MenACWY vaccine

Price : £55* per dose
No. of Doses : 1
Age : From Birth
Boosters : If you require a meningitis ACWY certificate, you can receive a booster five years after your last vaccination.

*prices are subject to change during market shortages
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MenACWY Vaccine

What You Need to Know

For UK travelers, the MenACWY vaccine is an essential consideration, especially if you’re planning trips to regions where meningococcal disease is prevalent. This vaccine protects against four strains of meningococcal bacteria, offering defense against meningitis and septicemia.

While boosters are not routinely recommended, it’s crucial to note that certain countries require proof of vaccination for entry. Additionally, if you received your last jab more than five years ago and need a meningitis ACWY certificate, a booster shot may be necessary.

Consulting with a healthcare provider or travel clinic before your journey can ensure you’re adequately protected against this serious infection while abroad.

How is the MenACWY vaccine given?

The MenACWY vaccine is typically administered as an injection, usually into the upper arm muscle. It can be given alone or in combination with other vaccinesHow well the rabies vaccine works and how long it lasts

Understanding Meningococcal Strains

Six strains contribute to global meningitis epidemics, including types A, B, C, W, X, and Y. Among these, strains B and C often trigger outbreaks in developed nations. Conversely, types A and W135 are prevalent in the “meningitis belt” across Sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal to parts of Ethiopia, with yearly outbreaks during the dry season.

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Seamless Travel Preparations

We know that travel plans can change unexpectedly. With our Same Day Appointments, you can easily fit your vaccination appointment into your busy schedule, whether you’ve just finalised your travel plans or realised you need vaccinations at the last minute.

Who should have the vaccine?

College and university students

If you’re younger than 25 and haven’t received the MenACWY vaccine, it’s best to get vaccinated at least two weeks before beginning college or university. Consult your GP about scheduling your vaccination.

If you’ve already commenced your college or university studies, prioritise getting the vaccine as soon as possible. Inquire about it at your campus health center or register with a GP to arrange for vaccination.


The MenACWY vaccine is often recommended for travelers. Meningococcal disease, including meningitis, can occur in Saudi Arabia, particularly during the Hajj pilgrimage season when millions of people gather in close quarters. The Saudi Arabian government requires proof of vaccination against meningococcal disease for pilgrims attending the Hajj and Umrah. Therefore, if you’re planning to travel to Saudi Arabia for these religious purposes or for any other reason, it’s important to check the current vaccination requirements and recommendations with a healthcare provider or travel clinic.

Same Day Appointments

Why Choose Same Day Appointments?


We know that travel plans can change unexpectedly. With our Same Day Appointments, you can easily fit your vaccination appointment into your busy schedule, whether you’ve just finalized your travel plans or realized you need vaccinations at the last minute.

Peace of Mind

Don’t wait anxiously for weeks before your trip to get your vaccinations. With Same Day Appointments, you can alleviate any worries about being properly immunized for your destination and focus on enjoying your travels.


Our streamlined booking process makes it simple to secure a same-day appointment. Just give us a call or book online, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs promptly.

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Seamless Travel Preparations

We know that travel plans can change unexpectedly. With our Same Day Appointments, you can easily fit your vaccination appointment into your busy schedule, whether you’ve just finalised your travel plans or realised you need vaccinations at the last minute.

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